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9th Chinese Medieval Studies Workshop at Rutgers University
Saturday, May 04, 2013, 09:30am - 05:30pm
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The Chinese Medieval Studies Workshop is now at Rutgers University. The 9th Annual Meeting will be held on May 4, 2013. This workshop, founded and organized by Professor Wendy Swartz and funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo (CCK) Foundation, is a major academic forum for the exchange of ideas and the advancement of scholarship. Distinguished scholars from across the United States working on medieval Chinese literature, history, religion, and visual culture, have been meeting annually in this forum since 2003 to discuss their current research. Ground-breaking research and methodology first presented at these workshops have found their way into notable books and journal articles.
9:30-10:00—Welcome Remarks and Breakfast
10:00-11:00—Robert F. Campany, “Remembering and Forgetting Past Lives in Early Medieval China: Preliminary Notes” (Discussant: Michael Puett)
11:10-12:10—Matthias Richter, “Non-linear Texts in Early China” (Discussant: Sarah Allen)
1:40-2:40—Antje Richter, “Discovering Epistolary Fiction in Early and Medieval China” (Discussant: Wendy Swartz)
2:50-3:50—Tian Xiaofei, “The Stubborn Orange: Letters and Gifts in Early Medieval China” (Discussant: Goh Meow Hui)
4:00-4:30—Coffee Break
4:30-5:30—Alan Berkowitz, “Xu You’s Ears: On the Polemic Concerning Talent and Marketability in Early Medieval China” (Discussant: Eugene Wang)

Participants: Sarah Allen (Wellesley College), Alan Berkowitz (Swarthmore College), Robert Campany (Vanderbilt University), Jessey Choo (Rutgers University), Goh Meow-Hui (Ohio State University), Lu Yang (Beijing University), Michael Puett (Harvard University), Antje Richter (University of Colorado at Boulder), Matthias Richter (University of Colorado at Boulder), Wendy Swartz (Rutgers University), Tian Xiaofei (Harvard University), Eugene Wang (Harvard University)

The seminar is open to all faculty and graduate students, but RSVP is required (by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by April 22.

Location  Murray Hall, Room 302