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International Workshop on Premodern and Modern Chinese Literature and History (Canceled)
Friday, April 14, 2023, 09:30am - 05:30pm
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This is a special workshop hosted by Rutgers Department of Asian Languages and Cultures for visiting scholars from National Taiwan University. Scholars working on premodern and modern periods will present their latest research on Chinese literature and history. This event is open to all faculty and students. RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by April 7.

Workshop Program

9:30 Welcome Remarks and Breakfast

10:00 Jessey Choo, "The March of the Malicious Fetus: Abortion and Childbed Calamities in Late Medieval Daoist Discourses" 惡胎行軍:中古晚期道教對墮胎及產難的論述

11:00 TSAO Shu-Chuan, “Inheriting from Yi Toegye's Poetry of Leisurely Living in the Reconstruction of the Chinese Cultural Schema” 退溪閒居詩對漢文化圖式的傳習與 重構

12:00 Lunch

1:00 TSAI Chu-Ching, "A Study of the Cultural Schema Constructed by the Views on Foot-Binding in the New Fiction Works of the Late Qing Dynasty" 試論晚清時新小說 中的纏足論述所創構的文化圖式

2:00 Xiaojue Wang, “From Area Studies to World Literature: Eileen Chang on the Edges of Literature” 從區域研究到世界文學:張愛玲與文學的邊緣

3:00 Coffee Break

3:30 Weijie Song, “Reviving Northeast China: Contemporary Literature and Film Beyond the Great Wall” 東北•文藝•復興:當代關外文學電影

4:30 LIU Cheng-Chung, “Speeches in Taiwan During the Japanese Colonial Period” 日治臺灣演說考



Location  Brower Commons Conference Room A&B