Tanja Sargent, Associate Professor in the Rutgers Graduate School of Education, is the new co-editor of the journal Chinese Education and Society, along with Xie Ailei who is Associate Professor in the School of Education at Guangzhou University. The journal Chinese Education and Society invites proposals for special issues on topics of current interest related to education, and the social contexts of education, in China. The journal accepts articles in both English and Chinese. For articles received in Chinese, the journal pays for and takes care of the translation. The journal also accepts, for translation and republication, articles that have already been published in China. The main goal of the journal is to provide the international community with access to academic and policy discourses in China. We are urgently in need of Special Issue Proposals. If you have an idea for a special issue, please contact Tanja Sargent (
News Details
Tanja Sargent becomes a new co-editor of the journal, Chinese Education and Society
- People: Sargent, Tanja